
What's up February?

Hello Guys,

it feels a little weird writing in English, but I thought I would give it a try and see how I like it. Maybe it will be kind of funny looking back and seeing how my English was. When I read stuff I wrote at the beginning of the year, or even back in Germany, that at that point I thought was good, I just want to start to laugh and rewrite it all. Hopefully this will not be the case for this post.

Okay so what did I do this last month? To be honest not a whole lot, but somehow I ended talking about it for nearly 15 minute in my video, don't really know how that happened. But for all of you, who would rather read it, I will just write it down here.

February started with Winterfest Week and on Friday night the dance. I didn't really dress up for the dress up days, just because I didn't really like the theme or I didn't have anything to wear for it. But the whole week I was just really excited for the dance. I really liked Homecoming and just couldn't wait for this one to come, and let me tell you it was so much better. Since it was just on a Friday after school, I didn't have any of my friends coming over, but instead got ready with my host sister and her boyfriend. We then walked over to the school and that's where I met all of my friends. It was just a fun night of dancing, singing and a lot of laughter.

The second weekend in February we drove to Alma, to help a cousin clear out his house. I also went to the funnest church service in my life -I don't really go to church, but I didn't mind going to this one at all. They played Bob Dylan in church, which just was awesome. When we came back home I went on my first snow bike ride with my little host sister. It was so much fun, but really exhausting. We used our family's fat bikes and went up on the snow shoe trail. I am really happy I got the change to do this before all the snow melted.

It was also the end of hockey season. We won our first play offs game at home, but sadly got completely destroyed at our second one. We drove to Superior, but the only nice part about it, was that it was a college rink and they are always so much better than the normal high school ones. On Thursday the 23rd we had our end of the season banquet. We were over 100 people, which just is crazy. It was held at a German restaurant -not really German at all, but still good- and we all just ate together and then coach talked and honoured all the players, managers and volunteer workers (aka parents). Since my host sister Maren and I were managers for the season, we both got a blanket, because we were always freezing on the bus and a gift card to Scheels. It was such a nice way to end the season, but it just feels so weird that it is all over now. Hockey was going on for 4 months, and now I don't even have 4 months left in America.

Also my Christmas packet from my parents finally got here, only 2 months too late. But what do we all say: better late than never. Apparently it was sent by ship, since the flight company was striking.

Also the last trimester in school started. It is just so weird. It all makes you feeling, like your time is just running up and there is nothing you can do to stop it, absolutely nothing. All I have left is to enjoy my days here and make the best with what I have.
My new classes are all super fun. First hour I have tutor, which means helping out in a class at the Elementary School. It just is so much fun spending an hour with a bunch 1st through 3rd graders. For my second hour I have English, which is super boring, since all we do is silent read, book circles and grammar games online. Third hour is Economics, not hard at all but still interesting. My fourth hour ist my absolut favourite, since it is Advanced Studio. It is an art class and you are very free in what your projects are. Right now we have an independent project and an art career project. My last hour is Choir, which is also a lot of fun. But as you can see my classes aren't hard at all, which is really nice.

This was basically my February, if you want to here a few more details here and there, then just check out my youtube channel.

I hope you guys had a great month and have a fun march. I will get post something new hopefully sooner, than the last time, but my birthday is coming up so there should be something to talk about -hopefully.

X. Pauline

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